To look around this life of mine and the decisions I took, who I am today and my place

within the places I lived in and live in now.

I am sad, in a way. I feel bad for what I thought I was and presented as... To others somewhere


	To tell a lot to others about things you experienced by thinking you’re right, trying to help

them through words and sometimes through actions... And never being really here either. I forgot.

Because I forget. Or is it because they forget? I remember them. Some of them... Most of the time is

spent staring at walls, and so I suppose this hardly makes me much else than the occasional gracious

man walking in streets. Gracious... Yes. Graciously to others. I would be glad they never asked but

they might know me already; I gave my time because it was in my nature to do so; without question

and without hesitation. And I’m happy it happened.

	I’m content many things happened. I’m sad I may have took the wrong decisions... But have

I? Is this life going to end tomorrow? If it does, then perhaps I did take the wrong decisions for

myself. Maybe not for others. Did work for myself. Did work for others sometimes. Maybe more

than I thought; although this seems like a lie today. I just went following screams of winds flowing

through rivers down a slippery stream of long-lost thoughts.

	Move on now; I should do that. Of all the souls I dug a grave for, sometimes literally. For all

the time spent accompanying wandering spirits and forgetting about my own. And for the long,

longest time I spent with myself. There’s a door that I haven’t opened yet. One I was always fearful.

Half opening it sometimes, but never really going through it.

	Maybe it’s time to leave for good. You’ve been here for your whole life after all, going back

because you missed human creation. But now you know... And you trained, truly, within human

creations, within Nature, and embraced the two and pushed through to see you can finally leave.

This is what you were waiting for and you achieved it. You did what you wanted to do and now you

know what you wanted to achieve. Believe it now, you may be finally reaching the answer to this

period. After all... This is the year of our life we were supposed to leave with.

	Grow hopeless hope, you know who you are now. And you’re still learning. But you also know who

you’re not. And with this you can already grow that first pair of wings. And legs of iron to never

flatter against the grasp of difficulties. And arms of ivory to hold with grace the love from life.

Everything you can gather until the End. And a good life will be had... A great life... That divinity

searched for without all these extremes you wanted to take against yourself.

	Simply by understanding a beauty you know of, but refuse still to look inside its eyes.

Maybe you shouldn’t be so shy after all!

	Now come, go on that hill you wanted and go look at the horizon. And remember the future

that you can already see as memories. Some parts you know of that may happen. Some parts you

don’t know of, that will happen. All that may be, is a hope that could be.
