***Preambule: This was a message to someone***

I understand where you come from. 

I have a catholic upbringing and was a believer during my childhood. 

I turned away from the faith like many teenagers these days, 

but eventually went back to it, however I only abide by concepts that 

make logical sense for what I believe to be the point of being a human being.

	In truth I never really asked myself "is it ok to be sexually attracted to x?", 

simply because I believe that, logically, 

it is sinful to be sexually attracted to any being or non-being. 

Lust is sin, and in my experience lust impedes upon the human mind, 

and turn it into a perverted instrument for the experiences of the flesh. 

If the body wasn't made to feel good in these ways, it would be another story, 

but I think it's a good thing that it is. 

We can build discipline from it today, 

absolve our past selves from the sins we committed, 

be it through the actions and change we bring to the world, in a small or large way.

	I think religion still has an important role to play in humanity, 

nd it always will have one, because it helps us to focus on the importance of living and being human. 

Science and its fanatic belief does not do that, it only provides a framed understanding on what was, 

is, and will be. It's very important just as well, 

but both can and should work together to provide the path towards what was intended for humanity. 

Be it what we decided for ourselves, or what your God decided for us. 

I believe we have to decide our own fate, but Time is ultimately the regent of all things. 

If God does exist, then I believe that Time is that God, and if that is the case, 

then Humanity must have a place to go towards. 

	Even with where we are today, hope still burns within us all, 

otherwise we wouldn't be trying to change things -as strange as they may seem to some of us-, 

and we want to reach what we can be. 

And what we can be, as the children of God, are the sons and daughters of God. 

	I'm saying that as in, I believe (please forgive me, I haven't read the entirety of the Bible, 

but I think all I've been saying would be considered blasphemous) God would want us to grow to 

attain a state of being that is not animalistic in its nature. 

Whatever made us, however we got there, 

what's important now with our knowledge of the past and of the universe, is what we can be; 

what we should be. 

We simply have to be... adults. Responsible of ourselves, of others, and of the world itself. 

Because we're the only living beings who can do such a thing, and so we should do this.

	My hope is that humanity will grow enough, in the short amount of time we currently have left, 

to be able to reach a definitive point that would seal our future to be one that, most importantly, exists. 

Because right now we're going towards entropy, and unless you're a fatalist, 

there's a likelyhood that you're not into that stuff. Death is to be accepted, of course, 

but the death of humanity doesn't have to be. 

Today, with what we can do, we can with the help of technology (in a non-intrusive way to the being) 

access to that future. Not eternity, as only Time is eternal, 

but we could live long enough to figure that out as well. The creation of the legacy of humanity, 

something that flows along Time, the reason why, eventually, Time itself would make sense, 

is the continuation of our species.

	So with all this forced social "progress", with all the acceptance of differences, 

where are we going? Nowhere. We're going backwards. 

Universities are still too politicized, politicians go (as usual) 

towards the big bone of votes if they have no spine, religion is being preached violently or not at all, 

science has been corrupted by well-meaning people, and the sanctity of Man has been breached.

	I'm still thinking about what to do, 

and right now all I can do is pledge my allegiance to a country I am proud of despite all of the wrongs it did. 

Pledging yourself to a country is pledging yourself to the future of the country, 

and by extension the future of humanity. Sadly, I do not believe politicians believe in that for the most part, 

but perhaps it is naïve to even think that. 

Maybe some care, and I like to believe that here, at least some care. 

And they're important enough for me to want to help them achieve what I would like to see as well.

	But yeah, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you are attracted to. 

All of what religion has asked, during its many different iterations across many culture during millennias, 

was that people get a hold of themselves, that communities thrive towards good, 

and that we can live life in a good way. 

I'm not going to condone the violence and wrongdoings done in the name of religion, those are what happened. 

Sometimes they may even have been justified. Violence is sometimes needed, I think. 

But that's another talk and right now I'm full of hope. 

Just love those who fight for life, theirs and others'. We do need to be egoists for a time to grow, 

but eventually we need to share, even with other egoists. 

Always do everything that life requires in a balanced act. Logic can't be overdone, love can't be overdone. 

If both are balanced, science fanaticism and lovers of entire lives, of entire wives 

(it rhymes, applies to women as well ofc) cannot work with the possibility of a bright future.

	I would like to see that, eventually, romance disappears, 

and people pay more attention to the important of the love of friendships, and people themselves. 

Having the extreme of a significant other make us not able to easily give in to help those in need 

out of love for our kind. As of today, it is hard to love those who do not put in the work to not be miserable. 

Still, do not hate them, nor should you love them I think, simply ignore them, 

until they understand fully that they want to live a life to be proud of living.

	Even a simple life of providing for someone, like your child, is a good life. 

A mother of a father are both important parts of who we are currently. 

What we can be as a species is good, but what we are right now not so, 

and we must work within our current potential and limitations. 

So, all we can do is make space for our future. We can't make it as we are now, but we can make the space for it.