November 2018
I wouldn't cling onto the hope that human will transcend, because as of today nothing is set that indicates we will. Even if it is the case, I would advise you to prepare for your death no matter what. As it can happen at any moment, anywhere. Don't forget that life, and specifically human life is very fragile. Cherish it as best you can and live in the present. Live as if you would fulfill your last day, every day. I know it's very hard to do, but I'm basically saying have satisfaction every day so that you can welcome death and say "it was a good life". I really enjoy living, even though there's spikes pretty much at every turn, but there's pleasure in living itself. And, believe it or not after what you fear about me, but I think people themselves are one of the keys to living a good life. Not like Epicurus who said that the wise man is happy with himself; I agree with Seneca on his argument that the wise man is indeed content with himself; but he also needs to have people in his life. And concerning us, though we both do have people in our lives, he specifically said friends. Be it as it may for you, I myself have only you and someone who currently lives in the US (she's really great) that I consider friends I would die for. Sadly it's all internet for now, and perhaps it is for that reason that I'm having a really hard time with inviting death. I'm suicidal, truly. And I'm sure, as long as I have no real life attachment, that longing for death won't ever go away. I lived an interesting life, and I helped a few people overcome obstacles. I got help overcoming mines, and I appreciate all the good people I have met during my time on Earth. What I wanted to do has been done. What I plan to do is naught but die one day like all. Between today and that day is null. Things will inevitably happen because of the way I live and carry myself in this world, but there is nothing that exists in this universe that will make me take a step back from death. Because it's inevitable. Time runs all, and you can't escape it. I embrace my end every day as much as I can, even if fear still sometimes persists, but at least I know Death is kind and comforting. You know, if I didn't dream multiple times about dying (I don't know if you heard about the collective subconscious - I think the experience of dying is part of it), if I didn't read about the people who have died and lived, I would probably fear it more than I do today. But... Not to say propaganda, but dying is the best. I'll stop there though or it'll get weirder. I'll live until I die. At the moment I'm just very tired of living and see nothing that would be worth continuing for. Which is why I'm trying to find something. Someone, more precisely; because that's the only way for me. And yet, for who I am, would I be for them? I can help. My words carry weight, my actions as well. From experience. But I live in a world where death is omnipresent. Even my dreams are made of death. I do not believe many people are in the same bag. But... Judge people before you form a friendship with them. And by that sentiment I am currently in the process of doing so. Someone for whom death is omnipresent, but not because she wanted it. I wanted it, and now it's part of me. Still, I get to greatly appreciate life from such a perspective. It's just that sometimes Death knocks at the door and you invite him in for a cup of tea.